We offer only the best the industry has to offer. CES can source the parts and equipment you need for all jobs, big and small. O2 clean fittings, Pressure Relief Valves, Liquid Level Gauges, Pressure Gauges, Pressure Switches, Transmitters, Transducers, Cryo Valves, Ball Valves, Pre-Fabricated fittings, Flex Hoses, Pressure reducing Manifolds, Fill Stands, Fill connections, Regulators, Gas Heaters, Gas Mixers, CO2 Vaporizers, CO2 Pressure builders, Automatic switching Valves, Motorized ball valve and much more.....
CES can be your One Stop Shop, we can source, install and maintain it.
As well as sourcing parts and equipment we can custom fabricate most anything in our shop. Contact us with your needs and we will find a solution that best suits your needs.